Mentoring - Alumni
Ms Saliha N M
Date – 8/8/2022
Alumni – Ms Oshin P S & Ms Saliha N M
Time – 1.30 . Pm to 2.30 Pm
Batch – 2019-2021
Topic – Specialization Selection Informed choice or passion?
The alumni of HGAMS are always there with the institution if it is conduct of events or interaction with the students. This time, two of our alumni Ms Oshin PS & Ms Saliha N M of batch 2019-2021 interacted with the third semester student of batch 2021-2023 with reference to the selection of specialization. The topic of discussion was specialization selection informed choice or passion? The selection was very informative and it helped the student to select the specialization wisely. The session conducted during the afternoon of 08 August 2022, Monday.

Ms Aswathy K Bharathan
Date -05/02/2023
Alumni – Ms Aswathy K Bharathan
Time – 1.30- 2.30PM
Batch – 2014-2016
Topic- The journey of an Human Resources Executive
Ms Aswathy K Bharathan, alumni of batch 2014-2016 interacted with the final year students who is currently working as HR Specialist – Talent Acquisition, India Operationa at Momenta Group Global, Bangalore. She shared her experience and the challenges she faced while choosing a HR job. The session was very fruitful to the students those who were in search for HR as her/ his career. The session was conducted during the afternoon session.