Ms. Pushpa Warrier
Qualification: Bsc (Chemistry), MBA, PGDAM, UGC-NET
Ms. Pushpa Warrier has an overall Industry experience of 18 years, in both India and abroad. After a successful industry career, she entered academics in 2015 and has associated with several B-Schools in Kerala before joining Holy Grace as an Asst. Professor in early 2021.
Appreciating Diversity – The Mantra For Inclusiveness’ – Three Day International Conference – Paradigm Shift in Global Business Ecosystem Post-Covid 19 Perspectives’, jointly organized by Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies and Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies.
A case study analysis on Impact of Covid 19 on worklife balance of higher education teachers’ in the International Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Business and Management’ – organized by Department of Economics, Ramthakur College, Agartala.
Role of Soft Skills in the growth of business school students – emerging trends in commerce and management – International Conference, Jyotinivas College, Bangalore.