Dr. Shalini Chandran
Qualification: Msc, MBA, PhD
Ms. Shalini has over 5 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest include Cost Accounting, Agricultural Finance and Banking. She was a Rashtriya Uchchatar Siksha Abiyan (RUSA) 2.0 fellow at Alagappa University, Karaikudi and was awarded the ‘Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award’ – Endowment Gold Medal” of the Kerala Agricultural University in having secured the highest OGPA for B.Sc. (Hons.) Co-operation and Banking during 2008-2012. Ms. Salini has also participated in the financial literacy outreach program of Reserve Bank of India in collaboration with South Indian Bank in 2014.
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, NPA and its Impact on Asset Quality, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), Vol8(Special issue), July 2019. (Scopus)
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Non – Performing Assets – Bankers’ Nightmare and Growth Deterrent, Restaurant Business, Vol 118(8), August 2019. (Scopus)
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Management of Non – Performing Assets with special reference to Public Sector Banks. St.Teresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 2(8), July – December 2018.(Web of Science)
- B. Vimala, Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Digital Technology Gateway for Better Financial Inclusion, Studies in Indian Place Names, Vol 40, August, 2020(UGC Care List)
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Covid – 19 and Indian Banking Sector –
- An overview, International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (IJRAET), Vol 9(9), September 2021
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu. Digital Banking in India – Trends, Problems and Opportunities, PDUAMT Business Review, Vol2, 2020 Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Performance of Indian Banks, Journal of Finance and Insurance Management, Vol 3, August 2020.
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu ,Landscape of RTGS in BRICS Countries,
- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol 6, 2019
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Trends in Non – Performing Assets of Public Sector Banks, International Journal of Advances Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol 7, August 2018
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu , Impact of NPA on the Profitability of Life
- Insurance Corporation, PARIPEX, Indian Journal of Research, Vol 7, September 2018
- Salini. R. Chandran and Dr. K. Alamelu, Impact of Corporate Governance on the
- Performance of SBI, Research Explorer (Book)
- Participated and Presented a paper titled „ Factors Determining the Purchase Decision of Rural Consumers Towards Consumer non – durables‟ in 3rd Annual International Conference on Innovation Management and Business Prospects (IMBP 2013) organized by SMBS India and SMBS Canada, Haridwar.
- Participated and presented a paper titled „Sensitive sector Lending in India‟ in
- International Conference on Capital Markets and Finance organised by the Department of Economics and Centre for Research in collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Kerala Economic Association, January 2017
- Participated in International Conference on Commerce and Management in Changing Times ICCMCT 2018 organised by Maharajas College, Ernakulum, Kerala
- Participated and presented a paper titled „Impact of Corporate Governance on the performance of SBI‟ in International Conference on Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility ICICSR 2018 organised by KSR College, Tamil Nadu
- Participated and presented a paper titled „Cloud Banking Issues and Challenges‟ in International Conference on Paradigm shift towards Cloud Banking organised by Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, October 2018
- Participated and presented a paper titled „Digital credit – an imperative marketing knack of contemporary bankers‟ in National conference on Facets of Digital Marketing Spree (FDMS 2019) organised by Alagappa University sponsored by ICSSR.
- Participated in Two Day National Conference on Making Linkage Between Teaching – Learning and Technology organised by Department of Education, DDE, Alagappa University, December 2019
- Participated and presented a paper titled „ COVID 19 and Indian Banking Sector‟ in International Seminar on Future Prospects for COVID-19: Challenges and Solutions, organized by GIET University, India, 30 May 2020
- Participated in Three Days National Level Workshop on SPSS, AMOS and EVIEWS held at Faculty of Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 1st to 3rd September2018
- Participated in Two day workshop on Basics of Forecasting and Demand Planning organised by Department of Logistic Management, Alagappa University, 10th and 14th September 2019
- Participated in Webinar on Impact of Covid 19 on the Financial Service Sector,
- Organised by Department of Banking Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi from 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020
- Participated in the webinar on Current Economy and Stock Market Investment organized by J.Z. Shah Arts and H.P Desai Commerce College, Amroli on 17th May 2020.